The influence of Technosol characteristics on the lady’s-slipper orchid population (Cypripedium calceolus L.) in a forest area – the case study
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Department of Ecology and Silviculture, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Al. 29 Listopada 46, 31-425, Krakow, Polska
Submission date: 2020-06-12
Final revision date: 2020-08-25
Acceptance date: 2020-09-02
Online publication date: 2021-02-10
Publication date: 2021-02-10
Corresponding author
Ewa Błońska   

Department of Ecology and Silviculture, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Al. 29 Listopada 46, 31-425, Krakow, Polska
Soil Sci. Ann., 2020, 71(4), 352-358
The aim of this study was to show the detailed properties of technosol formed from the remains of an old lime kiln in Western Pomerania as a habitat of a rare protected plant - the lady’s-slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolous). Additionally, an attempt was made to establish the relationship between soil properties and the occurrence of the lady’s slipper orchid. The study was conducted in the area of the Polanów Forest District in the Żydowo forestry, near Lake Kwiecko (northern Poland). In the middle of the patch of the lady’s-slipper orchid (Cypripedium calceolous), a soil pit was dug, in which numerous artifacts in the form of brick rubble and enamel were found, which testify to the anthropogenic material from which the studied soil developed. Soil samples were taken from each soil horizon and basic physicochemical properties were determined. Additionally, a grid of points from which samples were taken from the humus horizon was established in the lady’s-slipper orchid occurrence patch. The grid was used to check the surface properties of technosol horizons in the whole range of the examined species occurrence. The occurrence of Humic technosol was found in the patch of lady’s-slipper orchid. The conducted study confirms that in forest areas of the remains of lime kilns, fertile technosols are formed by as a result of natural succession of forest vegetation. As a result of these processes, in a short period of time (400 years) a soil profile of Humic technosols with a deep, structural, biologically active humus horizon developed. Statistical analyzes showed that pH, high abundance of organic carbon and high biochemical activity of the soil studied are conducive to the development of the lady’s-slipper orchid.
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