Stability of organic matter in forest soils of the middle Central Atlas: Extraction by biochemical fractionation
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Polyvalent Unit in Research and Development, biology department, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Sultan Moulay Sliman University, Morocco
Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Laboratory "Environment, Societies and Territories, Department of Geography, Faculty of Human and Social Sciences, Ibn Tofail University, Morocco
Faculty of Sciences, Unit "Environment and Valorization of Microbial and Plant Resources, Department of biology, Faculty of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, Morocco
Polydisciplinary Faculty, Polyvalent Unit in Research and Development, departement of biology., Polydisciplinary Faculty, Sultan Moulay Sliman University, Morocco
National Water and Forests Agency, Morocco
Faculty of Sciences, Unit "Environment and Valorization of Microbial and Plant Resources, department of biology, Faculty of Sciences, Moulay Ismail University, Zitoune, Morocco
Submission date: 2022-12-25
Final revision date: 2023-05-12
Acceptance date: 2023-07-02
Online publication date: 2023-07-02
Publication date: 2023-09-08
Corresponding author
Mohamed El Mderssa   

Polyvalent Unit in Research and Development, biology department, Polydisciplinary Faculty, Sultan Moulay Sliman University, Mghila, B.P. 592, Beni mellal, Morocco
Soil Sci. Ann., 2023, 74(2)169154
Organic matter is essential in forest ecosystems to maintain the structural stability of the soil. Following soil assimilation, it evolves in two opposite ways: mineralization and humification. This leads to the formation of a wide variety of substances that, evolve according to very different kinetics. This work involved studying the stability of organic matter in the soils of forest ecosystems: Atlas cedar, holm oak, zeen oak, and maritime pine. This study was performed on representative samples of the upper soil layer (0-30 cm) of the different ecosystems, using a biochemical fractionation technique. Results from the extraction of humic substances showed that humin is the main component (53 and 75%), followed by humic acids (19 and 34%) and fulvic acids (6 and 16%). These findings indicate stable carbon abundance and good sequestration of this element in the soils studied. Zeen oak and maritime pine have the most stable soil organic matter with a humification ratio of 4.30 and 4.10, respectively. Furthermore, the formation of humic substances is closely linked to the presence of clay that favors the formation of the clay-humic complex, making this material difficult to access by microorganism soils and therefore more resistant to decomposition. Ultimately, the studied soils have a stable organic matter which increases the dwell time of carbon in the soil. Such a result can be proved in further research, by using appropriate techniques like stable isotopes (13C).
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