Luvisols as a habitat for larch stands: a case study from the Miechowska Upland, S Poland
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Department of Ecology and Silviculture, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Polska
Submission date: 2023-07-27
Final revision date: 2023-09-25
Acceptance date: 2023-11-08
Online publication date: 2023-11-08
Publication date: 2023-11-20
Corresponding author
Ewa Błońska   

Department of Ecology and Silviculture, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Al. 29 Listopada 46, 31-425, Krakow, Polska
Soil Sci. Ann., 2023, 74(4)174974
Our research aimed to present the properties of Luvisols developed from the loess of the Miechowska Upland, S Poland, as a favourable substrate shaping habitats for larch stands. Detailed characteristics covered ten research plots in mature stands, where Polish larch (Larix decidua var. polonica) was the main species. On each research plot, a soil pit was dug and the separated genetic horizons were described. The diagnosis of the habitat type was developed using the Trophic Soil Index (SIG). Samples were taken from each genetic horizon for laboratory analysis. Basic physicochemical properties (particle size distribution, pH, total organic C and total N content, available phosphorus content and sorption properties) were determined in the soil samples. As a result of the research, it was found that the Polish larch can create high-production stands in the fresh upland broadleaved forest sites (Lwyż św) with the admixture of deciduous species (common beech Fagus sylvatica, English oak Quercus robur, common hornbeam Carpinus betulus, common sycamore Acer pseudoplatanus). The investigated soils were described as Haplic Luvisols, which differed in the characteristics of humus horizons. The high share of larch (40–60%) growing on Luvisols does not negatively affect the properties of humus horizons and the degree of leaching of Luvisols created from loess. In the case of stands with a predominant share of larch (>60%), there is a tendency to deteriorate the properties of the humus accumulation horizons and the formation of the ectohumus horizon on the surface. SIG indicates that the tested soils shape the eutrophic fresh upland broadleaved forest sites. The decrease in the SIG value in two cases is the result of the deterioration of the properties of humus horizons.
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