Influence of climate dynamics and liming on physicochemical soil properties and crop- rotation productivity of North-Western Polissya in Ukraine
Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissia of NAAS, Ukraine
Lviv National Agrarian University, Ukraine
Katedra Gleboznawstwa, SGGW w Warszawie, Polska
Department of soil Science, Ivan Franko National University of Lviv, Ukraine
Lutsk National Technical University, Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine, Ukraine
Data nadesłania: 21-07-2021
Data ostatniej rewizji: 13-01-2022
Data akceptacji: 22-02-2022
Data publikacji online: 22-02-2022
Autor do korespondencji
Józef Chojnicki   

Katedra Gleboznawstwa, SGGW w Warszawie, Polska
Soil Sci. Ann., 2022, 73(1)146856
Two liming fertilizers for soil deacidification in Polissya were investigated: dolomite and lime flour, which were applied at the beginning of the 8-year crop rotation with medium fertilizer N112P82K105 between 2011 and 2019. The experiments were performed in a stationary field trial by the Institute of Agriculture of Western Polissya of the National Academy of Agrarian Sciences of Ukraine on crop rotation of winter wheat, corn, barley and winter rape. The object of the research was Albic Retisol (Arenic, Aric) (WRB, 2014) in a stationary trial. Before starting the research, soil pHKCl was 4.3 and hydrolytic acidity (Hh) 2.80–2.97 cmol(+)·kg-1. Liming fertilizer doses were determined on the basis of soil hydrolitic acidity (Hh) for dolomite flour: 0.5 Hh - Dd0.5 2.230 t∙ha–1; 1 Hh - Dd1.0 4,740 t∙ha–1; 1.5 Hh - Dd1,5 6,700 t∙ha–1 and lime flour: 1 Hh - Dl1.0 4,940 t∙ha–1. Application of dolomite flour at a dose of Dd1.5 6,700 t∙ha–1 proved to be the most effective. It neutralised the acidity of the soil to the highest level pHKCl (6.64) and maintained in this case pHKCl 6.04 until the end of the 8-year of crop rotation. 3D modeling showed that the effectiveness of soil deacidification by dolomite flour increases with moderate simultaneous climate warming and humidification. Meanwhile, the simultaneous stronger increase of temperature and humidity weaken the neutralising effect of this liming fertilizer. The usage of dolomite and lime causes a gradual increase in Ca2+ soil content from 1.68 to 2.57 cmol(+)·kg-1 of soil similar to the dynamics of Mg2+ concentration (from 0.28 to 0.84 cmol(+)·kg-1 of soil). The usage of lime causes a maximum reduction content of soil Mg2+ (0.23 cmol(+)·kg-1 of soil) against the highest Ca2+ content. Doses of dolomite and lime had a significant effect on the Al3+ soil content. The concentration of Al3+ was highest in non-limed and fertilized areas in the final year of the crop rotation. The usage of dolomite rapidly reduced the content of exchangeable Al3+ from 2.48 and 2.67 cmol(+)·kg-1 of soil to 1.31 cmol(+)·kg-1 of soil a 1.5 Hh dose. The average long-term crop-rotation productivity (in grain units) depended on the mineral fertilization and the type and doses of the liming fertilizers applied. Mineral fertilizers within the normal range N112Р82К105 without liming have contributed to the collection of 3.06 t∙ha–1 grain units. The maximum crop yield was set on the option of applying 1.5 Hh dose of dolomite flour on the background of the average annual mineral fertilizer norms of N112P82K105 – 5.33 t∙ha–1 grain units. Lime flour proved to be less effective as it reduced the Mg2+ soil content, which is an important element for plants, and with a smaller impact on crop yield.
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