Holocene lake sediments as the parent material of soil
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Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Soil Science and Microbiology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Polska
Faculty of Agriculture, Horticulture and Biotechnology, Department of Soil Science and Microbiology, Poznań University of Life Sciences, Polska
Submission date: 2024-04-17
Final revision date: 2024-12-02
Acceptance date: 2025-03-01
Online publication date: 2025-03-01
Publication date: 2025-03-01
Corresponding author
Andrzej Łachacz   

Faculty of Agriculture and Forestry, Department of Soil Science and Microbiology, University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, Plac Łódzki 3, 10-727, Olsztyn, Polska
Soil Sci. Ann., 2024, 75(4)202472
Holocene lake sediments, as specific formations deposited in freshwater reservoirs, rarely constitute soil parent material. Under natural conditions, the accumulation of lake sediments is most often followed by a peat-forming phase, which results in the development of peat soils that are underlain by lake deposits. However, in Poland, as well as in the young glacial zone of other European countries, intensive drainage works have taken place that have drained shallow water reservoirs, which in some cases have led to the exposure of lake sediments and the formation of specific soils. With the development (and subsequent editions) of the Polish Soil Classification (PSC) scheme, there was a need to develop detailed qualitative and quantitative criteria to recognise these sediments as soil parent material. These criteria were primarily intended to make a logical division of these materials as soil diagnostic materials in the context of their position within the PSC and to enable accurate identification of these sediments in the field. The aim of this work was to present selected lake sediment classification systems (including studies by von Post, Troels-Smith, Okruszko and Markowski), with particular emphasis on the terminology used, in relation to the division of these sediments (as proposed by Polish researchers). Classification of limnic materials used in PSC is presented. In addition, the genesis of lake sediments and the anthropogenic factors that have led to their exposure are discussed, and a part of this work also focuses on the issue of field identification of sediments and on the selected properties of the lake sediments and soils that they form.
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